About The Star Tournament
How Do You Turn a Redfish into a Brand New Boat?

May 23 rd – September 7, 2015
STAR Florida is a Catch & Photo tournament designed to educate the general public about the importance of conservation of Florida’s marine resources and all that Coastal Conservation Association Florida does to protect these resources.
Kick-off is at sunrise on Saturday, May 23, 2015, Memorial Day weekend and ends at 5 p.m., September 7, 2015, Labor Day offering participants a total of 108 fishing days.
$30.00 STAR entry fee for CCA members, $60.00 for a non-member with $30.00 for CCA membership. New Tide Members enter STAR for FREE. New Tide membership is $10.00. New Tide members are ages 6 to 17.
Nearly $500,000 in prizes and scholarships.
80 Tagged Redfish will be released in partnership with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), in advance of the tournament’s starting date.
Coastal Conservation Association and Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission will release 80 tagged redfish in state waters from the Pensacola to southern boundary of Everglades National Park. The tagged fish will be released along the west coast of Florida according to demographics which consist of population, fishing licenses purchased and other geographic features provided by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission.
The First six tagged redfish captured by an angler who is a CCA member and registered for STAR will claim one of the following; new truck or boats motor, trailer packages from Contender 22 Sport, Pathfinder 2200 TRS or Hells Bay Waterman each with a Yamaha motor.
Additional divisions are the Open, Ladies, Fly, Kayak and Professional Guides division with the eligible species being spotted trout, Snook, Cobia and Sheepshead. Fish only need to be of legal minimum length to qualify for entry in STAR.
First place in the OPEN division species category of spotted trout, Snook, Cobia and Sheepshead will each take home a boat, motor and trailer, an All-terrain vehicle or prize of equal value with 2nd thru 6th place winners in each species category of the Open division.
Ladies, Fly and Kayak division also have first thru sixth place winners.
The Yamaha Professional Guides division offers licensed charter captains the ability to win first, second and third place prizes totaling $17,500.00 based on the number of clients they have register for the tournament.
The Youth Scholarship Division presented by Bright House Networks will provide $100,000 in college scholarships to a Florida college with two winners of $25,000 each and an additional ten winners of $5,000 each. Spotted trout, Snook, Cobia, Sheepshead, Ladyfish or Jack Crevalle are the eligible species for the drawing of the winners. FREE entry is provided to participant’s ages 6 – 17 who are current New Tide CCA members.
The Marathon Petroleum Conservation Division will have each registered angler entering all fish caught no matter what species or size. This effort will provide a significant amount of catch data information that will be used by the conservation community to make science based decisions on habitat management and other relevant issues. Winner will be determined by the most data collected by an angler. There will be a first, second and third place winner.
With an estimated 4,500 participants, who will each have an opportunity to win, makes CCA Florida STAR the largest saltwater fishing tournament in the state.
Winners of STAR will not be determined by longest length or weight of their catch.
STAR is a tool for CCA to significantly increase awareness of our mission, as well as increase our strength with various councils and fisheries commissions as an advocacy voice for the recreational angler.
By promoting STAR and membership in CCA, CCA Florida will aid in the participation of the public becoming good stewards of our fishery, help FWRI, develop our youth into long time stewards of our marine environment, recruit assistance with our habitat programs and educate the public on fish handling techniques as well as the collection of significant scientific data. All while providing anglers of all skill levels with the opportunity to participate in a family-friendly angling competition.
Yamaha Guides Division
Guides and captains who are directly responsible for referring the greatest number of STAR participants to register for the tournament up until 5:00 pm on September 7, 2015 will be eligible for prizes in this category. Guide or Captain referrals must indicate the guide or captain by name in the appropriate blank during STAR registration in order to be eligible for entry as a referred participant by the guide or captain. Only referred STAR registrations that have indicated their guide or captain will be included in the number of entries for prize eligibility.
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