Independence Day!!!

Happy Fourth of July!
Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday. Please be extra careful, especially if you’re going to be on the water here in Old Homosassa, as it’s always out of control crazy with all the boats on the water and with all the people in the water scalloping. As most of you are aware, Scallop Season opened on June 27th and runs through September 24th and Gag Grouper Season opens today, July 1st and runs through December 3rd which makes this our busiest time of the year; check our website at, for charter details and rates.

Special thanks to all of our service women and men around the globe, home and abroad, for what they do every day to make sure we can enjoy our freedom and independence. Come home safely!
If Batman can have the “Bat Mobile”, there’s no reason why I can’t have the “Red ED Mobile”! This beautiful wrap was completed by Ultra Graphics,

What I’d like to do is have a “Fourth of July” contest with the winner of the drawing getting a FREE scallop charter! Please count the number of species on the “Red ED Mobile” and name those species by posting your answers on my Facebook Page and from the correct answers we’ll do a drawing on July 31, 2015 to determine the winner of the FREE scallop charter!! For larger more detailed pictures please go to the bottom of the Maps & Directions Page on our website.
Upcoming Events:
May 23 – September 7 – CCA Florida STAR Tournament,
July 1 – Gag Grouper Season opens
July 1 – Full Moon
July 4 – Independence Day
July 15 – 17 – ICAST Show in Orlando, I will be in the Denali Performance Apparel booth during the show,
July 25 & 26 – Will be filming one day Scalloping and one day Gag Grouper fishing with Darcie Arahill from watch for the videos
July 31 – Full Moon
October 24 – Mark your calendars for the Anglers for Conservation Orlando Gumbo Wars, scheduled at the Fish on Fire Restaurant, in Orlando, Florida. AFC Orlando Chapter is currently planning their annual fundraiser featuring both silent and live auctions, raffles and giveaways with all proceeds benefiting the AFC’s Hook Kids on Fishing Program and other local youth fishing and outdoor charities. This fun filled event features over 25 Gumbo Teams and is promoted and sponsored by Fishing Florida Radio Show, Coastal Angler Magazine Orlando and other Central Florida fishing community partners and local fishing clubs.
A tackle box is better than an Xbox any day!
Fishing is a real experience that creates memories that will last forever!
“For Real & Forever”
Captain “Red ED” Brennan